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Claim your spot and try out WEEKLY STRIKE FORCE today!

This is your chance to join Ross Givens in going after weekly cash WINNERS - with a strategy that can do BETTER in an ugly market. 


Ross Givens here and I want to extend to you an invitation to join our premium option trading service, Weekly Strike Force.

As a member, you will get my weekly option trades delivered to your inbox every Friday.

These trades are modeled to deliver cash payouts when they expire the following Friday. Enter the trades one Friday, close them the next… it couldn’t be simpler.

By securing your spot right now, you can take advantage of today’s special promotional pricing.

And take advantage of my proprietary TEC (Target list, Entry price, Conviction) strategy:

I use rigorous technical analysis to examine thousands of possible trades, and only deliver you the absolute best opportunities for weekly cash payouts.

Weekly Strike Force has produced a win rate of over 66% in the first five months with potential account growth of nearly 80% over the same period. This was achieved with a series of weekly winners including:

  • $750 on GE call spread

  • $590 on COP call spread

  • $740 on AMZN put spread

  • $450 profit on ZM put spread

  • And $490 on MSFT put spread

*NOTE: (all trades assuming 10 contracts)

Each one of these were simple, easy-to-execute trades entered on Friday and exited the following Friday.

And remember with Weekly Strike Force:

  • We don’t hold any position longer than a week.

  • We can win in an up, down, or range bound market.

  • These trades have a high probability of full profit

  • And we have a hard limit to any potential loss.

The stock market can be frustrating - especially when stocks are rangebound and not trending well.

This strategy was specifically designed for those very conditions… allowing investors to potentially see steady returns even in poor market conditions.

And we are just getting started…

NOW is the time to join.

Here’s everything you’ll receive when you join today:

Strike Force Briefings

Every Friday, you will receive three new trades with full write-ups and easy-to-follow instructions to execute the trades.

Each briefing will contain the ticker symbols of the options, instructions on how to buy or sell them, and my reasoning behind the trade.

You will also receive an SMS text reminder to close out the previous week’s trades, and, at times, to exit them early once full profit has already been realized.

In fact if you use a mobile trading app, you can do every part of this service from your phone or tablet, without ever needing to go near a computer!

Strike Force Options Academy

This is a series of videos and training materials that make options trading as easy as humanly possible.

Our in-house analyst provides a live video demonstration on how to place these trades through virtually any brokerage.

This includes Fidelity, E*Trade and even mobile app brokerages like Robin Hood.

Weekly Strike Force HQ

This is your private, member’s only website.

In it you’ll find the:

Complete Briefings Archive.

Did you miss a Friday briefing? No problem. Simply log into the site and pull up exactly what this week’s trade is.

And if you want to go back through and see the trades for previous weeks? That’s no problem either.

Every single Strike Force briefing we’ve ever sent is right here at your fingertips.

Your Weekly Strike Force HQ also contains our Dynamic Target List.

If you want to keep track of the stocks that I’m tracking, you’ll have access to a custom database with all of my target stocks.

As new stocks enter our range, and old stocks leave them, I update the list in real time.

VIP Customer Service Team

They’re standing by to help, in any way possible.

This isn’t some overseas call center – no, this is an elite group of people with detailed knowledge of our products and strategies.

As soon as you join, you’ll be given a special phone number and dedicated email address to use any time you have a question.

All of this will be yours in seconds…

And instead of the normal retail price of $3999 on the website…

When you join today, You get 2 Years for the Price of 1.

You’ll only have to pay the special promotional price of just $2,997 for 2 Years…

So what are you waiting for?

Enter your information below and let’s get started!

I can’t wait to see you on the other side.

-Ross Givens

PS: If you’d prefer to talk to someone on the phone just call our customer success team at 888-483-5161, and hit extension 2.

Currently Weekly Strike Force does not offer a money back guarantee. Due to the nature of the information we are providing there is no way to get it back once access is granted to the member site. We have experienced too often traders joining our service only to get all the stock picks and a copy of our current portfolio and then get their money back. This is unfair to our paying clients so at this time all sales are final.

Only  $3999

Limited Time 

2 Years for the Price of 1


With Weekly Strike Force
You'll Have Access To... 

  • Strike Force Briefings - Monday you will know what to buy and Fridays you will know what to sell

    Total Value $1997.50

  • Strike Force Options Academy –  Series of videos and training materials that make options trading as easy as humanly possible

    Total Value $1997.50

  • Weekly Strike Force HQ -  This is your private, member’s only website with an archive of complete briefings and dynamic target list. 

    Total Value $997.50

  • VIP Customer Service Team - a US based customer service team dedicated to your sucess and satisfaction

    Total Value: Priceless

    Copyright © 2024 Traders Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.


    This is an advertisement for online information courses, workshops, classes and other educational programs relating to finance and investing. It is not an advertisement for investment advice. Neither Traders Agency, LLC nor its principals or affiliates are registered investment, legal, or tax advisors or broker/dealers. All content, materials and information found in any product or service that Trader’s Agency offers and that you have access to or consume must be understood by you to be for educational and general informational purposes only.

    The information provided to you by Trader’s Agency is general and impersonal in nature and does not take into account your individual investment objectives, financial situations, risk tolerances, or needs. Before implementing or using any information provided to you by Trader’s Agency and before making any financial or investment decision, you must confirm the accuracy of such information and applicability and appropriateness of any decision to your personal situation with your own analysis or by consultation with a licensed/registered and qualified investment professional.

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    Traders Agency LLC intends that the information contained in this advertisement is truthful and not misleading in any way. Accordingly, you are fully informed that none of the information, material, or courses that Traders Agency, LLC offers constitute investment advice and all such information is provided for educational and informational purposes only.


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